Automated password reset process by e-mail

The BT Inbound Architect login welcome screen includes a link 'Forgotten my password' to allow users to reset their password automatically.

This will require verification by matching the users e-mail details with those registered on their account 'My Details' page.

It is therefore important that e-mail details are kept up-to-date to take advantage of this automated reset.

Once verification is confirmed, a temporary password will be sent to the e-mail address to help the user login initially. The user will be prompted to change the temporary password during the login.

Note: Contact your company Admin controller first if you require further resets.

If however you have any queries or problems regarding your access to and the functioning of Inbound Architect (IA) on your PC, please do not hesitate to contact us for technical support and guidance.

By Telephone: call 0800 876 123

By Email: Use the "Contact Us" button found at the bottom of each page within IA, or by sending emails directly to